

The sun was just yellow enough to make me cry.
The flowers were just red enough that I lost my breath.
How do they get so red?
The sky was the definition of the color blue.
She knew exactly what to do to seduce me, she always does,
to call me in to her arms to join in a humble moment for Surya.

Moments pass. Thank god. Moments pass!
And the hazel honesty will remain. Loyal to its self.

The setting sun kiss felt just brown enough to make me cry.
The warmth was brown on my cheek.
The earth smelled brown.
The soft, cold grass under my toes. Brown.

The warm blanket that feels like home,
that was waiting for me behind the glare of the small black window.
It hypnotized me.
It hypnotizes me.
I am in. Surround me. Keep me here.

That gaze that I live for finally claimed me,
caringly looked down at me, embraced me.
"I am proud of you. I love you.", vibrated the silence, the Namaste.

They were just brown enough to make me cry.
Long after they saw me, they were all I could see.

The couple stood alone in the black,
while the lights and sounds of the whole world swirled around and around them.
"I'll miss you", said the four in unison.

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